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US has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia, says study

Irish Times | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Energy News

The US holds more oil reserves thanSaudi Arabia and Russia, the first time it has surpassed those held by the world’s biggest exporting nations, according to a new study. Rystad Energy estimates recoverable oil in the US from existing fields, discoveries and yet undiscovered areas amounts to 264 billion barrels. The figure surpasses Saudi Arabia’s 212 billion and Russia’s 256 billion in reserves.

Ranchers handbook on grazing, hunring and livestock leases | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Agriculture News

Whether a person owns land or is seeking to find land to rent, leasing property for grazing or hunting leases can be beneficial for both parties. Similarly, both the owner and lessee of livestock benefit from lease agreements as well.  This handbook details issues to be aware of.

Brexit Could Bring Market, Policy Impacts for U.S. Grains

Hoosier Ag Today | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Federal News

Britain’s decision last month to leave the European Union could have both market and trade policy effects on the U.S. grain industry, though the U.S. Grains Council says exactly how the change could impact farmers’ bottom lines is among the many unanswered questions. The EU does not import large volumes of U.S. corn due to trade barriers related to biotechnology. Overall, the total value of all types of U.S. feed grain and related products that were exported in the 2014/2015 marketing year was about $745 million.

Russia extends ban on Western food | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Federal News

Russia has extended its ban on imports of Western food to the end of 2017.

How GMOs Fit Into the Farm Toolbox

Biotech Now | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Agriculture News

On the farm our tools range from the typical tractor and seeds to tablets and satellites.  While some are more important than others, each tool has its place and without the others would not be as effective or efficient.  Probably the most important tool we use is human capital. Our rural community is full of experts in their field.  Our neighbor knows our tractors inside and out.  Friends from high school now sell seed and fertilizer, recommending combinations that might work well in our fields.  Agronomists, crop specialists, grain marketers . . .

What Would a World Without GMOs Look Like?

National Geographic | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Food News

Without genetically-modified foods, we might have to give up oranges and resign ourselves to living with avian flu and more malnutrition. It was hailed as a radical move when more than 100 Nobel laureates sent a letter to Greenpeace, urging the environmental group to stop blocking genetically modified foods like golden rice from reaching those who need it. The debate over whether GMOs are good or bad has been stuck in neutral for years.

Thousands of Products to Leave Shelves as GMO Labeling Becomes Law in Vermont

The Northfield News | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Food News

Price Chopper has learned that manufacturers will no longer ship 3,000 products to Vermont because they will not have a GMO label. The grocery store stopped receiving shipments of many food items beginning last Friday when Vermont’s GMO labeling law went into effect.

As Labeling Law Goes Into Effect, Vermont Farmers Divided On Value Of GMO Crops

Vermont Public Radio | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Food News

Vermont, as it happens, is one of the few states that tracks herbicide usage. “And so we figured, well shoot, we’ve got the data, let’s take a look at it,” says Will Allen, an organic farmer and activist. “When we did we were shocked, really.” llen says herbicide use has nearly doubled from 2002 to 2012. And he says it’s no coincidence that the increase came during a time period when almost all the state’s corn growers switched from conventional seeds to GMOs.

Stop worrying about GMOs; it's that organic granola bar that could make you sick

LATimes | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Food News

Recalls of organic foods amounted to 7% of all food units recalled in 2015, even though organic farms account for only about 1% of agricultural acreage.   Now a favorite snack of those same protesters, the sacred granola bar, has been found to pose an actual health risk.  In early June, several types of Clif Bars were recalled from stores because they contained organic sunflower kernels potentially contaminated with a bacterium called listeria.

Off label use of Dicamba causing problems down south

DTN | Posted onJuly 11, 2016 in Agriculture News

Soybeans are very sensitive to dicamba and this summer is showing it. Damage complaints have been filed in several Southern states because of what appears to be off-target movement of dicamba herbicide onto sensitive crops.
