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Agencies warn against raw pet food

An outbreak of Salmonella Reading infections that so far has sickened 90 people included two individuals living in a household where raw turkey pet food was fed to pets. Both the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are warning pet owners against feeding their pets raw food. The outbreak strain was identified in samples taken from raw turkey pet food, raw turkey products and live turkeys, according to the CDC. “CDC does not recommend feeding raw diets to pets,” the agency said in advice to consumers. [node:read-more:link]

Detroit Shows How Cuts to SNAP Affect an Entire Community

On the east side of Detroit, 42-year-old Roquesha O’Neal is one potential target of cuts to SNAP. She relies on the program to take care of herself and her disabled, teenage son. She receives a monthly Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check worth $750 for her son and makes an additional $150 a month babysitting and doing odd jobs for neighbors. After rent and utilities, her family is left with about $500 a month to live on. Even with SNAP, putting food on the table can still feel like a full-time job: SNAP recipients only receive on average $1.40 a meal. [node:read-more:link]

As processor shutdown looms, nonprofit funds another month of SNAP at farmers markets

A national farmers market advocacy group has stepped in to fund the processor’s operations for another month. The emergency funds will give markets across the country a few more weeks to figure out how to process SNAP once the Novo Dia Group ceases operations. The National Association of Farmers Market Nutrition Programs (NAFMNP) will provide 30 additional days of funding to Novo Dia, while advocates and farmers try to figure out a permanent solution to replace the processors’ services. [node:read-more:link]

Dogs Dining on Patios Are Illegal Interlopers No More

o the delight of dog lovers, cities and states have begun passing laws to allow dogs to join patrons on restaurant and bar patios. Many diners have simply asked, “Wait, that was illegal?”Sure, the United States doesn’t have the rich history of outdoor dining of say, Paris, where pooches are almost as common as croissants at outdoor cafes. But when the weather is pleasant, it’s fairly common to see people settling in for an outdoor beer with their dog at their feet. And as U.S. [node:read-more:link]

The Vindication of Cheese, Butter, and Full-Fat Milk

A new study this week in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is relevant to an ongoing vindication process for saturated fats, which turned many people away from dairy products such as whole milk, cheese, and butter in the 1980s and ’90s. An analysis of 2,907 adults found that people with higher and lower levels of dairy fats in their blood had the same rate of death during a 22-year period. [node:read-more:link]

Article examines former USDA inspector’s health complaints in depth

A story published recently by The Intercept, a news organization focused on investigative journalism, casts a spotlight on complaints raised by a former USDA inspector who believes she became sick from working around chemicals at a poultry plant. The article focuses on Jessica Robertson, who worked as an inspector in the Norbest turkey facility in Moroni, Utah, from 2002 until earlier this year. [node:read-more:link]

These foods linked to ongoing outbreaks might make you sick

US health officials are warning people to avoid certain foods due to ongoing unrelated outbreaks of intestinal infections caused by bacteria, viruses and even parasites lurking in some of our food. Hy-Vee, a Midwestern grocery store chain, has recalled a pasta salad that might be linked to at least 20 people getting sick from salmonella.  Salmonella is the culprit in 90 illnesses linked to raw turkey products. [node:read-more:link]

Salmonella outbreak in 26 states tied to raw turkey

An outbreak of salmonella linked to raw turkey products has sickened at least 90 people across 26 states, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced.Among them, 40 people have been hospitalized, but no deaths have been reported.Illnesses have been reported in Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin, according to the CDC. [node:read-more:link]

FDA warns grain-free dog food could be linked to heart disease

Dogs fed "grain-free" food based on peas, lentils or potatoes are developing an unusual condition that can cause an enlarged heart, the Food and Drug Administration warned.  The condition, called canine dilated cardiomyopathy, is more common in certain breeds, but it’s turning up in breeds that are not usually susceptible, the FDA said.It might be down to a nutritional deficiency, the FDA said.The agency is not naming brands, but said the ingredients seemed to be more important than the brands. The affected dogs appear to have been fed certain types of pet foods. [node:read-more:link]


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