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2024 SARL Summit

The Legislative Ag Chairs (LAC) Summit represents a tremendous opportunity to network with state legislative leaders from all across the US and Canada. Attendance is by invitation only. The three day meeting is packed full of discussions of the issues facing the world of agriculture as identified by public officials like you, along with special speakers invited to the meeting to share their expertise in identifying problems and solutions. There is no other meeting that will you provide more practical and quality factual information about agriculture, natural resource use and rural development than the LAC Summit! Since 2001, the LAC Summit has been providing an unparalleled non-partisan educational opportunity for elected state and provincial officials with an interest in agriculture and rural communities to work together, collaborate and create problem-solving partnerships.

2024 SARL Legislative Summit registration is currently closed.

If you have any questions, please contact SARL President Norine Hammond at

January 5th, 2024 12:00 AM to January 7th, 2024 12:00 AM
Event Fee(s)
Primary Registration Type
Legislative Member $0.00
Private Sector Representative $0.00
Speaker/Public Sector $0.00
Spouse/Guest $210.00
  • Register Participant