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EPA approves DuPont Lumisena fungicide seed treatment for soybeans and sunflowers

DuPont recently received registration approval from the Environmental Protection Agency for DuPont Lumisena fungicide seed treatment, the newest member of the DuPont seed applied technology portfolio. Lumisena fungicide seed treatment improves crop establishment and stand uniformity by controlling phytophthora in soybeans and downy mildew in sunflower crops. In DuPont research trials, soybean seed protected with Lumisena fungicide seed treatment, which has a favorable environmental profile, had 32 percent less Phytophthora sojae incidence than untreated seed. Additionally, university research trials showed soybeans treated with the active ingredient in Lumisena fungicide seed treatment provided outstanding protection against Phytophthora compared with conventional seed treatment fungicides.

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Delta Farm Press