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Farm bill’s expansion of trade opportunities between the US and Cuba historic and mutually beneficial

The 2018 farm bill is a huge victory for U.S. farmers. The bipartisan legislation improves food security, strengthens crop insurance and reinvests in America’s rural economy. It is especially critical for Arkansas, where agriculture accounts for about one in every six jobs and adds nearly $16 billion to the state’s economy. Expanding markets has long been a priority for our agricultural producers. A historic provision in this legislation gives them a much-needed win in their desire to trade with Cuba. With strong bipartisan support, this year’s farm bill takes an important step in providing our farmers with more opportunities for trade and helping to alleviate food shortages for everyday Cubans. The farm bill’s Cuba trade provision allows U.S. commodity exporters to use Department of Agriculture market promotion funding in Cuba, meaning our farmers will now be able to advertise their products on the ground where we know there is demand for American goods. These federal programs, which offset the high cost of market promotion, will no longer treat Cuba differently from other foreign markets.

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The Hill