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NH bill targets owners of trespassing chickens

The New Hampshire Legislature is considering a bill that would make trespassing fowl a violation, not for the chicken, but for its owners. Under the proposal, anyone who knowingly, recklessly or negligently allows their domestic fowl to enter someone else’s property without permission can be convicted of a violation if the birds damage crops or property The law already makes such trespassing illegal when it comes to sheep, goats, cows, horses or pigs, and the bill’s sponsor says fowl shouldn’t be exempt.While a constituent’s frustration with a neighbor’s ducks spurred the legislation, Loudon Republican Rep. Michael Moffett told a House Committee on Tuesday he also has heard from a man who claims his neighbor has used chickens as a “form of harassment and provocation.”“It does come down to property rights, which is important,” Moffett said. “People, wherever you live, should be free from having your property invaded or encroached upon by animals or birds from neighboring property who are not being taken care of.

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