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Poultry processor, USDA to probe animal abuse allegations

A Maryland-based chicken processor is weighing its options after an animal advocacy group released an undercover video purportedly showing workers punching, throwing and otherwise abusing birds on the line. Amick Farms released a statement saying that some of the actions depicted in the video “are clear violations of our animal welfare policies and our company values.” President Ben Harrison says the company is considering additional training, disciplinary action and a more aggressive approach to making sure that workers at the facility in Hurlock, Md., are following its policies.The group Compassion Over Killing took responsibility for filming the video as part of its campaign to end high-speed processing that allows for line speeds of 175 birds per minute. On its website, the organization said USDA granted waivers to 24 poultry processing plants this year allowing them to speed up their lines.

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